Spacetime: Einstein’s biggest Mistake

Spacetime: Einstein’s biggest Mistake

Amrit S. Šorli

30.00 €

The development of physics is an ongoing process. Thinking that today's models of micro and macro cosmos are final truth is an utter mistake. If it would be so, relativity theory, quantum physics, and electrodynamics would be parts of the bigger general picture. Still today main physical theories are not fully compatible. In order to develop physics where these partial pictures fully merge into a general picture, the bijective research methodology was developed where every element in the model has exactly one correspondent model in the physical reality. Bijectivity reconciles partial models in a new picture where everything fits together. In this new picture, universal space is time-invariant and the universe is non-created and in permanent dynamic equilibrium. Black holes are rejuvenating systems of the universe that has no beginning and will not have an end. With this book, the Big Bang theory belongs to the history of physics.


Excellent work. A few thoughts…

While a “time-invariant structure of the [physical] universe” may be consistent with mathematical logic and viewing time as merely a duration of photon motion or change (instead of a 4th-dimension; “time ? is not ?4”) has inherent rationality, your premises deny a fuller and proper perspective. You state [Emph. Added]:

1.       “Today’s cosmology examines the universe from the perspective of the universe is existing in some linear time that has physical existence… A rigorous examination of what is time confirms that time as the duration enters existence only when measured by the observer. There is no physical time running in the physical universe on its own.

2.       “The only universe that exists is the one we can observe and measure… We are living in an infinite time-invariant universe where there is no physical past and there is no physical future… the universe is time-invariant which means eternal… and this eternity is NOW.” 

3.       “Past, present and future exist only in the human mind… Time as duration enters the existence when we measure it.”

4.       “[I]nfinity is not a metrical term. In this perspective human imagination of the size of the universe is limited.”

5.       “[N]o light from the stars that are [infinitely distant from us] can reach us.”

6.       “All events in the universe happen in the same identical time-invariant space… Duration enters existence when measured by the observer… The entire history and the entire future of the universe are squished in the present moment.”

7.       “Gödel said: “In any universe described by the Theory of Relativity, time [closed time-lines] cannot exist."

8.       “Time-invariant space that we humans experience as the present moment is the fundamental non-created eternal background of the universe… We are "projecting" our psychological linear time that is the product of neuronal activity in the physical universe… What is ‘relative’ is… the velocity of changes.”

9.       “Irreversible universal changes run in time-invariant universal space where black holes in the centre of galaxies are rejuvenating systems of the universe that is eternal and non-created.”

Indeed, Einstein misunderstood time, but not because he didn’t relate time and space correctly. He made the same mistake that you have made – he viewed the Universe only through a physical perspective. Linear time has a physical existence as an emergent manifestation of a non-physical reality. You make that clear in the references above. However, you mistakenly view the “observer” as solely human and propose that the “duration of changes” is a manifestation of “the human mind” “when we measure it”. Perception is clearly relative but occurs outside neuronal activity and beyond the physical.

The Universe is not infinite (metrically) and is unlikely to be eternal (even if time-invariant). Duration obviously exists without human minds or any neuronal “observation” and the velocity of changes is physically “relative” as described by Einstein, even if incorrectly termed “time”. However, there is a part of reality which is “infinite” and outside of “relativity” – and “neuronal activity” is at its core. It is the non-physical counterpart to the “non-created eternal background of the universe” you have centered on and might be deemed the “created non-eternal background of the Universe”. Our understanding of this non-physical aspect of reality is very limited as the tools, methods, and language of science are almost exclusively physical. And yet, our very understanding of the physical universe is itself non-physical.

-Rich Van Winkle-