God in a Changing Society

God in a Changing Society

Ivica Jurić

35.99 €

In closely following the situation in society, the author proposes new ways to more effectively carry out the mission of the Church in the modern world. The transformation of pastoral activity requires a more energetic, creative and authentic missionary Church that leads processes in society, not only passively reacting to them. It has to be a Church that corrects society by calling attention to the anomalies of our time, to the widespread culture of indifference, exploitation, and rejection of people as objects, while responding with a culture of solidarity and recognizing the dignity of every human being. This kind of Church parries the culture of individualism with a culture of community, reacting to a pandemic of fear by accepting its fragility and taking specific actions to help those at risk. It is a Church that helps the faithful and all people through its openness, closeness to those in need, and offering real help. In the demanding task of transforming the Church and society, the author refers to the particular contribution of movements and new communities as well as the opportunities that Christian gestalt pedagogy offers in educating and nurturing the faith.
Category:Religion, Social Science