Application of Different Cereals on the Composition and Quality of Flours and Products

Application of Different Cereals on the Composition and Quality of Flours and Products

Iliana Lazova-Borisova

29.99 €

The flour-fruit mixtures and pasta biscuits with the addition of chokeberry 10%, 20%, 30% (in natural and lyophilized form) were obtained. The resulting floury fruit mixtures will be used as the main raw material in the production of the experimental series of biscuits.
The optimal parameters of all stages of the technological process were found. Floury herbal fruit mixtures of organic whole grain flours have been developed from spelt, camut, wheat, sorghum, rye, triticale, buckwheat and barley, being enriched with chokeberry by 10%, 20% and 30% (in natural and lyophilized form). The static sorption characteristics - equilibrium isotherms and monomolecular humidity of the whole grain flours used were studied in detail, as well as the sorption characteristics of the flour mixtures were studied.
New technologies for biscuits have been developed, using flour and fruit mixtures as the main raw material. Raw materials and finished products were analyzed. Physicochemical and biochemical analyzes were performed, as well as the energy value of the finished products was calculated and labels and technological documentation were developed.
The content of proteins, fibers, fats is determined.
Category:Diet & Nutrition, Technology