Key Components of Motorcyclists Safety. Motorcycle - Rider – Environment

Key Components of Motorcyclists Safety. Motorcycle - Rider – Environment

Tollazzi Tomaž

28.00 €

This book deals with the issue of traffic safety of powered two-wheelers (PTWs) from several aspects. It begins with an explanation of why PTWs are among the vulnerable road users. It also covers stability problems when riding a motorcycle. The motorcycle-rider-environment system is shown, followed by the most important safety features of motorcycles, and the most important characteristics of a motorcyclist. The importance of the road infrastructure and roadside in the motorcycle-rider-environment system is described. The most common mistakes in road design that can be dangerous for motorcyclists are given, followed by some of the most common mistakes in roadside design and equipment. There are examples of some of the most common situations of dangerous road and roadside layouts from everyday life that can lead to the occurrence of traffic accidents involving motorcyclists or to an increase in the consequences of these traffic accidents. The book also describes various ways of improving the low-level of traffic safety of PTWs, together with advanced concepts of new road infrastructure design – new features, which have proven to reduce crashes. Graphics of some of the most common safety countermeasures are shown. The final section covers actions and measures that need to be implemented to make existing roads safer for PTW riders in relation to Directive (EU) 2019/1936. Some Infrastructure guidelines for PTWs, which already exist in some EU countries, and which are mandatory or partly mandatory in those countries, are also mentioned.