Legal Issues in Contemporary Sports

Legal Issues in Contemporary Sports

Dr. Robert J. Romano, JD, LLM

39.99 €

The area of sport law, like the individual games of sport themselves, is diverse, distinct, and ever changing. As a result, this book will delve into an assorted selection of topics that include, a) FIFA’s 2010 decision to allow Qatar to host the 2022 World Cup, b) the NCAA student-athlete scholarship system, and c) the legality of the United States – Japanese Player Contract Agreement. In other words – “fun stuff” involving sport that can be argued about, analyzed, and then argued about again in an upfront and collegial way. Keep in mind while reading however, that over the years Leagues and NGOs have had the advantage when establishing rules for player compensation and eligibility, resulting in an unbalanced and inequitable playing field for the athletes who the fans come to watch compete and cheer for each and every game – and this is what this book aims to highlight. So read, enjoy, not enjoy, criticize, agree, disagree, debate, contemplate, scrutinize, and hate if you must, but please, no matter what, always remember that athletes have rights too and should always be treated fairly and equitably both on and off the field of play.